Good Things Utah Dr John

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aloha! Stand up and say it real loud ALOHA! Does that not feel really good! Did you ever wounder why the Hawaiian people used one word for hello and good by? I have always pondered this. I used to think it was because they are considered by the Western world to be a primitive culture. I beg to differ. What if they really get it? Aloha, the meaning of life! Why we are here on the planet earth. Think about this. If you understand that life is circular and what goes around comes around. Then why not have one word for hello and good by. You are never really saying either. Eventually you will see one another again. It may not be in this life but we will see one another again. So the logic works (if you belive in God,  Heaven and we all come from and return to source).

So lets take this one step further. The Aloha Spirit. What is it? If you have ever spent time in the Hawaiian Island you quickly come to understand the Aloha Spirit is the spirit of unconditional love. You must first love yourself unconditionally then you can began to love others unconditonally. Understanding the Aloha spirit means you understand you are a piece of God just like everyone and every living creature on this planet. Therefor to love your self unconditionally you must then love everyone else the same way because we all come from the same source! We are all one in the same! It is the same energy beating al our hearts! The Aloha Spirit in action, unconditional love!

So say ALOHA! Keeping in mind we all are from the same source, one great Love on the same adventure back to the source we call God! So fill your heart with the Aloha Spirit and love your self and love one another! ALOHA my Friends!


  1. Aaaaah, I have fond memories of your "Aloha" lecture. First time I heard it was at JVH while recovering after you cut on me. ;) Love this message, John! ALOHA!

  2. You have a blog! Awesome. The pure love of Christ is one of the most beautiful things about life. It is so basic and so all reaching. Every primary lesson I teach, I try to make sure that the kids know that all of it is about how Heavenly Father and Jesus love them, and how we can show everyone about that love. I think you're right. The Hawaiians have had that in their culture for a long time and you can really feel it.
